20 D&D Barbarian quests


Barbarian Quests D&D, Pathfinder

20 Barbarian quests

  1. Feat of endurance – longish obstacle course or mini-marathon. The only trick is that you must drink a mouthful of water and return the same amount of liquid from your mouth after the event. That or with a raw egg not breaking the egg for the duration the test.
  2. A flock of Harpies have roosted in the local orchard and are not allowing the villagers to get the ripe fruit. They are desperate for help before the harpies eat all the fruit or before it goes off.
  3. A local shrine despite being heavily protected by a series of intricate traps was recently pillaged. Catch the thief, mete out justice in such a way to deter the thief doing it again. Return the artifact to the shrine and reset all the traps.
  4. A bask of crocodiles have moved further upstream and are creating a problem for the local fishermen. Its twofold: The fish are not coming as far down the river anymore and secondly the fishermen are being maimed and its ruining the local economy and diets.  The problem needs investigating and sorting out.
  5. As a result of a gold rush, a settlement has popped up seemingly out of nowhere. With no law enforcement going on it’s a regular frontier type town where might is right and deaths can happen daily.  Work a solution.
  6. On the eve on her wedding the chief’s daughter has gone missing. The wedding is to bring together two tribes that have been bitter entrenched enemies for many years. The ceremony has been planned for in advance and it has taken many months for some of the guests to even arrive for the momentous occasion. It’s the one thing that both tribes can agree on as a necessity for moving forward.  Even better is the fact that the bride & groom love each other deeply. A failure now would be catastrophic.
  7. A local Witch doctor claims god like powers and indeed the last few folks who have gone against him have died in mysterious conditions. He is now demanding tribute from your village [and the other surrounding villages].  You are their last chance before having to pay a tribute that cannot afford.
  8. The village chief has died in mysterious circumstance. The only evidence is the arrow from a local tribe who for years have remained friendly and even helpful in droughts and poor harvests. Investigate for the killer and seek justice / revenge.
  9. As a rite of passage, you must face your deepest fears. This is so that no fear nor enemy may best you through your weaknesses. Your fears include claustrophobia and arachnophobia. You have been sealed into the cave warren know to host very large spiders.  Not only are you to survive a ten day there, you are to do so taking no provisions in with you.
  10. The chief’s son is coming of age and soon to start the training cycle to take over from his father. Trouble is that the chief only recognizes now that the son is a spoilt brat and without tempering without make a disastrous leader.  You have been charged with making a ‘’man out of him’’
  11. A friend of yours is jailed for committing some heinous crimes. You have known him as a brother knows a brother and you simply can’t believe the charges being leveled at him. You undertake to learn the full story and work towards his acquittal.
  12. The locals have taken to eating some of the newer imported foods coming into the region. Local businesses are going bankrupt and you are certain that foul play is involved.  The folks who should seem the obvious culprits have no evidence stacked against them and it’s all at a dead end. Step in and resolve it.
  13. A winter flood has wiped out the entire south defenses from a village and they need it repairing before spring arrives. The woodcutters and other laborers can’t complete their tasks on time due to local wildlife getting hungry for manflesh.
  14. A burly orc has moved into a hamlet unchallenged and has made the residents his private slaves. Liberate them.
  15. The Townmaster is having a hard time collecting the all the taxes from the villagers and seeks someone to ‘’encourage’’ them to pay up.
  16. Local sheep farmers are having wolf problems and are losing more stock than normal. If someone doesn’t help soon there will be no more sheep to tend.
  17. A particularly large tree has fallen in a recent bad storm. It covers the entirety of the path and then some either side.  The villagers on that trade route are seeking help with either moving the tree or carving a new path out of the existing forest.
  18. A black dragon wyrmling has taken up residence under the only bridge route in and out of the town, capriciously eating from and threatening traders at random. The traders to the town are getting rarer and the food and supplies situation is getting desperate.
  19. You are sent out to the plains in the start of autumn, wearing only a loincloth and are expected to have caught, cleaned and created your own leather armor before winter fully sets in.
  20. Winter has set in and an unexpected fire has wiped out most of the grain stock. You must traverse the mountain pass to beg or barter grain from the village beyond the mountain for your village to survive the winter.

About the author:
DM Badger is a Veteran D&D player [since 1987], but fairly new to the DM side of the screen [since 2018]. He’s looking to give back to the D&D community 🙂

Essential Barbarian Gear
Sweet Loincloth
Badass Conan Sword
Dope Kicks

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  1. […] Source From: Boccob’s Blessed Blog […]

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